About us :
How did the blog start? Once upon a time, one of the ghamandis, the madam drama queen with the pout pose in the picture beneath was so bored . Tv seemed to repeat the regular soap and scripted reality shows . A pakka boring evening. Watsapp bored, facebook so pale, and asses too lazy to get up from couch.
And then the twist in the tale.
Ghamandi number one pinged her, who was equally bored as madam drama queen. As usual, both were busy fingering the keypad :P and talking everything under the sun. Out of blue ghamandi no.1 a. k . a Nautanki discovered the shitty random stuff that these Garliess discuss is so entertaining that it can be blogged about ( EUREKA!).
And then madam Drama queen who is also a blogger , otherwise ,, get set and go..er WENT to her laptop and started designing the GAHMANDIYA blog and you are here reading all the random RANTS of the ghamandis :P.
And so the introduction part :P
PS : To avoid the self boasting, the gals describe each other :P
Ghamandi no.1 - Nautanki

When , I had met her for the first time, least I expected this girl to come way this far and be one of the best buddies I ever had.
If its querkiness in my mind , its her name .
And madam completed her enginnering ( a VJTian, aha ispecial clapps) , but alas she found out engineering is not her cup of tea. It doesnt give her ample time to live her life, says Ms.Nautanki.
Things she boasts about:
Her silly jokes ? (that she thinks are funny).
Her beautiful friends (count me in).
Her LG smartphone( a dumb like her indeed needs one).
Things I think she should boast about:
Her attitude towards life ( I love her)
Her fashionista (she is teriibly sexy)
Her brain , gal! shes very intelligent.
Ghamandi no.2 - Drama Queen:
What I have learnt from her is living it up on the hog, Life is not meant to be wasted. We are still not apes to copy others’ Lives and compare Lives and no ffun..
And to know more how, Stay tuned, Stay Ghamandi..
a psycho, writer, amazing woman, fun lover,avid sleeper!
She has BWWWIGG ghamand of 3 things, in particular :
1)Her Friends (especially, ME

2)Her Zindagi
3)Her passion of Writing.
What I have learnt from her is living it up on the hog, Life is not meant to be wasted. We are still not apes to copy others’ Lives and compare Lives and no ffun..
Don’t worry! This psycho is still there in my Life! *Sigh of Relief*
And now, this way, we are coming into your Lives! *evil smile and winks*
Get ready! We are going to give you your own Lives! 

And to know more how, Stay tuned, Stay Ghamandi..

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